Mean Spirits


moving portraits


This project originated from a half remembered dream William had in late November 2018, was a vision that genuinely unsettled us, not because of the imagery but because he couldn't understand it, the mystery and how it made him feel afterwards, was what he did.

For a few weeks William kept seeing some of those images appearing to him almost daily and while he was wide awake. He wanted to understand what he was seeing, by trying to analyse those visions. They had such an effect on him that he felt the best way to that it was to channel all of it into a project.

He didn't know how but he wanted to bring those images to life in some form.

And so,

NTTS did it.

“Sometimes when I’m dreaming, I’ll think, I’ll remember this and make a film of it. It’s sort of an occupational disease”.

Ingmar Bergman

(Swedish film director 1918-2007)

Dealing with fears, beauty, fashion, photography and identity, It was what we condensed all in one project by building an entire team of collaborators that helped us to bring all the imagery from W.C.O. into this art direction project in only 4 months. Collaborating with these amazing creatives has been the most powerful element in the whole experience. We gave them space, power and freedom.

The intension with “Mean Spirit” is to immerse the viewer into these singular frames or scenes in a continuous loop, like modern day paintings.

We wanted the photography to be monumental. W.C.O wanted them to remind him how he felt when he was looking at Michelangelo paintings looking at the way he drew, at the way he posed people and the way he framed them.

He didn’t frame them making them look small, he wanted the human body to be monumental taking over majority of the space within the frame, so reminding you of the greatness of God’s creation.

In a way also showing how we humans desire control over the uncontrollable forces of nature.

Making this project felt the same way to us.

“ I my dreams tell me about the unknown parts of my mind or do my dreams tell me more about my desires or fears or are they telling me about a world I must discover?”

William - NTTS

“If I could come up with something like this from a half remembered dream that means the potential of your nightmares, or your pleasant dreams could be almost infinite”.

William - NTTS

“We all had one thing in common. To create”.

Carol - NTTS

1970-01-01 01.00.00 29.jpg
1970-01-01 01.00.00 31.jpg
1970-01-01 01.00.00 20.jpg
1970-01-01 01.00.00 16.jpg


Madalina Elena make-up

Leonardo Ilari drone photography

All costumes have been designed in collaboration with the Fashion Designer Alice Pelati


Lewisland, Evans Quaye, Prince Dahany, Filipe Correia, Caterina Cella, Micalina Mika, Sara Zegna Baruffa, Maja Pozar.

Music from “Mean Spirits” by Lewisland


ntts x sidiq


mean spirits: moving portraits